Twinstar Bosskills

Current raid lockout bosskills

between 01/08/2025, 11:27 AM and 01/12/2025, 11:13 PM

Most kills - total 196

16 Alizabal 10 N
15 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 N
15 Morchok 10 N
14 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 N
14 Ultraxion 10 N
14 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 N
14 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 HC
13 Spine of Deathwing 10 N
12 Madness of Deathwing 10 N
7 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 N
7 Ultraxion 10 HC
7 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 HC
6 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 HC
6 Morchok 10 HC
5 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 HC
4 Shannox 10 HC
4 Alysrazor 10 N
4 Baleroc 10 N
4 Beth'tilac 10 N
4 Spine of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Majordomo Staghelm 10 HC
3 Lord Rhyolith 10 HC
3 Madness of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10 N
3 Majordomo Staghelm 10 N
3 Lord Rhyolith 10 N
3 Alizabal 25 N
2 Ragnaros 10 N
2 Ragnaros 25 N
2 Majordomo Staghelm 25 N
2 Baleroc 25 N
2 Lord Rhyolith 25 HC
2 Alysrazor 25 HC
2 Shannox 25 HC
2 Beth'tilac 25 HC
2 Cho'gall 10 N
2 Ascendant Council 10 N
2 Theralion and Valiona 10 N
2 Shannox 10 N
2 Al'Akir 10 N
2 Alysrazor 10 HC
2 The Conclave of Wind 10 N
2 Baleroc 10 HC
2 Beth'tilac 10 HC

Most wipes - total 85, wipe chance 43.37%

Number of bosskills grouped by day of week

Saturday is top raiding day
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Number of bosskills grouped by hour

20:00 is top raiding hour
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Previous raid lockout bosskills

between 01/01/2025, 11:14 AM and 01/08/2025, 1:26 AM

Most kills - total 278

19 Spine of Deathwing 10 N
18 Madness of Deathwing 10 N
18 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 HC
18 Alizabal 10 N
17 Ultraxion 10 N
16 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 N
16 Morchok 10 N
15 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 N
15 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 N
10 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 HC
9 Morchok 10 HC
8 Shannox 10 HC
8 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 HC
8 Ultraxion 10 HC
8 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 HC
7 Lord Rhyolith 10 HC
7 Baleroc 10 N
7 Alysrazor 10 N
7 Beth'tilac 10 N
6 Majordomo Staghelm 10 HC
6 Majordomo Staghelm 10 N
6 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 N
5 Ragnaros 10 HC
5 Alysrazor 10 HC
5 Baleroc 10 HC
5 Beth'tilac 10 HC
5 Lord Rhyolith 10 N
5 Ragnaros 10 N
4 Shannox 10 N
3 Madness of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Spine of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Nefarian 10 N
3 Maloriak 10 N
3 Atramedes 10 N
3 Chimaeron 10 N
3 Omnotron Defense System 10 N
3 Magmaw 10 N
3 Alizabal 25 N
2 Cho'gall 10 HC
2 Ascendant Council 10 N
2 Theralion and Valiona 10 N
2 Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10 N
2 Al'Akir 10 N
2 The Conclave of Wind 10 N

Most wipes - total 125, wipe chance 44.96%

18 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 HC
16 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 N
11 Ultraxion 10 N
8 Warlord Zon'ozz 10 HC
7 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 HC
7 Morchok 10 HC
7 Madness of Deathwing 10 N
6 Warmaster Blackhorn 10 N
6 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10 N
5 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 N
5 Ultraxion 10 HC
5 Morchok 10 N
5 Shannox 10 HC
4 Alizabal 10 N
4 Hagara the Stormbinder 10 HC
4 Alysrazor 10 N
4 Lord Rhyolith 10 HC
3 Alysrazor 10 HC
3 Spine of Deathwing 10 N
3 Madness of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Spine of Deathwing 10 HC
3 Maloriak 10 N
3 Lord Rhyolith 10 N
3 Ragnaros 10 N
2 Ragnaros 10 HC
2 Majordomo Staghelm 10 HC
2 Majordomo Staghelm 10 N
2 Shannox 10 N
2 Magmaw 10 N
2 Beth'tilac 10 HC

Number of bosskills grouped by day of week

Sunday is top raiding day
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Number of bosskills grouped by hour

22:00 is top raiding hour
0 10 20 30 40 50 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00